Links and Resources
GCYFRG Speaker Series 2: Dr Susana Cortés-Morales - Vaulting the turnstiles: translating children's agencies from Chile, Latin America
Dr. Susan Cortés-Morales (Universidad Central de Chile) delivered the second talk for the new online speaker series of Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG)
GCYFRG Speaker Series 1: Prof Deevia Bhana - Gendered and Sexual norms in Global South Early Education
Prof Deevia Bhana (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) delivered the inaugural talk to launch the new online speaker series of Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG)
What makes a good writing environment
Writing, a word that can provoke fear or joy, but for academic research, there is no way around it, it has to be done. However, what can we do to make this process easier, well as geographers, of course, we look to the environment around us. What makes a good writing environment?
Data sources, and secondary data analysis guidance,
for the geographies of children, youth and families
Though there are many kinds of materials you could use, in this blogpost we point out a few that we use as geographers of children, youth and families and point out some readings about methods that might be helpful.